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Oxshott Village Centre


In 1944 a public meeting was held in Oxshott in response to the wishes of the whole community to express their gratitude to those who were serving in the Second World War. At that meeting a resolution was passed to Establish a Trust Fund to build a Village Centre for the "benefit of the inhabitants of Oxshott".


A Management Committee consisting of elected members, representatives of local organisations and the three trustees of the Trust Fund was appointed to run the centre for the promotion of social, recreational and cultural activities. As the Management Committee has the general control and management of the administration of the Trust Fund, its members are regarded as 'charity trustees' for the purposes of charities legislation, even though the Trust Fund is vested only in the Trustees (currently three).


Building restrictions and a lack of funds in the immediate aftermath of the war delayed the opening of the Centre until 1962. In 1985 a side extension was added to enable the local doctors to open The Oxshott Medical Practice.


The Centre is still run on a voluntary basis by a Management Committee.

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